These posts consider aspects of life related to the constructions of society, community and education as those systems which shape our human experiences with one another and actively demonstrate our values, attitudes and priorities. Some posts focus more on everyday issues, looking into what these may mean and where they may lead; others talk more generally about the intentions and principles behind the structures themselves.
Society is a fairly vast theme incorporating many facets of how we live and, in reality, includes within it culture, media, economy, beliefs, and values (which are covered here under separate themes). So in these posts I’m generally attempting to ask broader questions or look at specific trends or attitudes in terms of what they reflect back about society in a wider sense.
In looking directly at Community, I’m thinking more about local environment or the communities we feel ourselves to be a part of – how that functions, what it offers, and what we can offer “it” through our commitment and participation. It’s very much a theme that is ‘feeling its way’ as this seems to be an aspect of society that is fading or struggling to find its place in modern life.
With Education, I’ll be writing about how that fits in with society and the lives of individuals: the principles and intentions underpinning it; reasons it may be struggling; and how it serves those involved in it or those with vested interests in its outcomes.
Although this covers vast ground, in many ways these themes are interrelated: how we live and view life reflects in the communities we build and the education system we desire and support, which in turn shape the society to come.
Posts on Society:
Posts on Community:
Posts on Education: