In essence this page is for “things that can happen” be that collaborations or more community-related activities. It’s starting small but I’m hopeful this may become much more exciting over time.
Commissions or Collaborations – If you have ideas for ways of working with EbbSpark, for example through writing engagements or creative collaboration please get in touch.
Online Communities – To receive notifications of new content, respond to posts, or discuss ideas further you can use the following social media profiles: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
Local Community – As will become clear, I am interested in exploring opportunities for local engagement and reworking communities on that level, so with time initiatives may develop in that direction and they will also appear here.
Contact EbbSpark – Should you need to make contact regarding this site, you can either use the social media channels above or email contact at Please note, I may not be able to respond to all messages but will do my best to where possible or necessary.